Category: Uncategorized

  • Quantity and Quality for Sperm Too

    While preoccupation and focus on fertility may seem a predominantly female concern, it is important to note that 50% of infertility worldwide is also a result of male fertility issues. Men need to pay just as much attention to fertility as women do. After all, it does take two in order to make a baby,…

  • IVF and Springing Forward

    As we spring forward into Daylight Savings Time in Southern California, we’d like to bring your attention to a new study regarding fertility and the time change. Pushing the clock an hour forwards or backwards may not seem like enough to make a huge difference in matters of IVF, but the change does alter our…

  • Quality over Quantity When Implanting Embryos

    New research shows that implanting two embryos cuts the chances for a successful pregnancy by a quarter, particularly if one embryo is in a poorer state of health than the other. The body, instead of focusing on the healthy embryo, will concentrate on the less viable embryo and can then reject a pregnancy altogether. Doctors…