Category: In the News

  • Japan Court Rules Same-Sex Couples Have Marriage Rights, in Landmark Decision – “Big First Step Towards Marriage Equality”

    The court hearing was a case brought by three same-sex couples in 2019 who were seeking government compensation for the difficulties they had to suffer from not being able to legally marry. In Japan, same-sex relationships are legal, but same-sex couples do not have the same legal rights as heterosexual couples. For example, same-sex couples…

  • Stars – They Really Are Just Like Us!

    Infertility isn’t an easy topic to talk about and talking with family and friends can be more of a challenge than expected. According to Resolve, 1 in 8 couples, or more than 7 million people experience infertility. That statistic includes celebrities who decided that IVF should be perceived with no shame or guilt. Just this past year,…

  • April and National Infertility Awareness Week (April 22-28, 2018)

    April is here, and so is spring, and while it is the season of rebirth and abundance, for anyone dealing with infertility it can also be a season of difficulty. As research continues into the causes and cures for infertility, we at Hanabusa IVF welcome April as the month that not only ushers in flowers…

  • 2019 Continues to Usher in New Experimental Treatments to Treat Infertility and POF

    Forty years after the first successful IVF procedure, scientists and researchers continue to discover new exciting ways to treat infertility in women of all ages, including menopausal women. In one of the latest, more promising experimental treatments, eggs of menopausal women (deemed “leftover” eggs) are being used to produce viable eggs for IVF treatment. While…

  • Open letter from our laboratory director

    Dear Patient, In response to the recent reports of the failure of liquid nitrogen storage tanks at two prominent IVF centers in the US, we at Hanabusa IVF wanted to reach out to all of our patients to assure that your frozen specimens are safe at our facility. We feel confident that the systems we…

  • Make Coffee, Have a Baby

    Starbucks is no longer just your neighborhood coffee store, of the coffee shop that seems to be taking over the neighborhood, it’s now the coffee shop that is helping to populate that very neighborhood. In a surprising revelation, or perhaps not so surprising, Starbucks unlike some other corporations in America, provides health insurance coverage for…

  • Synthetics and Sperm

    A few blog posts back, we focused on the need for men to be aware of their sperm count and overall fertility health. Knowing that fertility takes two, it is just as important for men to have quality sperm and a high sperm count as it is for women to have a plentiful number of…

  • I.V.G. – A New Advance in Reproductive Research

    New stem cell research advances are presenting some headlines that are sci-fi worthy. Researchers from Kyusha University in Japan have succeeded in taking the skin stem cells from mice, performing some complicated bio-engineering and creating reproductive cells forming eggs and sperm. As the New York Times reported this can make for some wild speculations about what the…

  • Evatar: A New and Exciting Reproductive Health Model

    Evatar is a new exciting technological advance that has just been added to the field of reproductive health. It’s a complete, robotic replica of the female reproductive system. The team of researchers from Northwestern University, the University of Illinois at Chicago and Draper Laboratory developed Evatar and it comes equipped with a complete uterus, ovaries…

  • Quantity and Quality for Sperm Too

    While preoccupation and focus on fertility may seem a predominantly female concern, it is important to note that 50% of infertility worldwide is also a result of male fertility issues. Men need to pay just as much attention to fertility as women do. After all, it does take two in order to make a baby,…